Ice Melt Program
The Conkling Center stresses senior safety throughout all we do.
During the winter months, The Conkling Center distributes ice melt to the senior centers and other senior service organizations in Northern Saratoga, Warren and Washington counties at no charge to any senior in need of ice melt. The goal is to keep seniors safe and prevent as many falls as possible during the winter months due to snow and ice melt buildup around their homes. Many older adults live alone and do not have help in maintaining a safe outdoor walking surface.
The New York State Department of Health reports that falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths, hospitalizations and emergency department visits among adults 65 and older. Falls can result in lasting, serious consequences, affecting mobility, independence and mental health.
The Ice Melt program has been operating since 2011. $36,399 worth of ice melt distributed to seniors at no cost. The program operates with 95% grant funding/donations and 6% of funding from The Conkling Center’s operating budget. The Conkling Center could not offer this much needed seasonal item without the support of the Sandy Hill Foundation, Washington County Home for Aged Women and the Glens Falls Rotary.
enjoy a
Safer Season
If you or someone you know could benefit from this program,
please contact your local senior center.