Useful information is essential when you are trying to age with ease.
The Conkling Center is dedicated to helping senior citizens and their families find information and resources within the local community and at State and National levels. Here are some of our favorite resources that will provide you with topics related to aging. Please check back often as we continually add to this page as new resources are identified.
Find What You Need
legal Resource guide for senior Citizens
memory loss, alzheimer’s and dementia communication DVD
HOusing Directory for
local counties
Community Resources
NY Connects
Warren/Hamilton Office of the Aging
The Warren/Hamilton Counties Office for the Aging (WHCOFA) is a bi-county governmental agency that was established in 1974, dedicated to maintaining our seniors' independence and dignity. WHCOFA serves the 60(+) population of both Counties, assisting them to access services and address their needs. This includes services that help them remain independent, prevent premature institutionalization, relieve isolation and loneliness, and improve their quality of life and health.
Washington county Office of the Aging
Providing support for Washington County’s older New Yorkers and caregivers of all ages.
Washington County’s Office for the Aging's home and community-based programs provide older adults with access to a well-planned, coordinated package of in-home and other supportive services designed to support and supplement informal care. The overall goal is to improve access to, and availability of, appropriate and cost-effective non-medical support services for older individuals to maximize their ability to age in their community and avoid higher levels of care and publicly financed care.
The Glen At Hiland Meadows
The Glen at Hiland Meadows is a nonprofit organization committed to meeting the forever changing needs of our seniors and their families.